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Welcome to the Career Site for EGIS

Egis in ANZ

Current Vacancies

Four reasons to join us :

- Support the transformations happening in cities and communities by contributing to complex and large-scale infrastructure projects. 

- Do something meaningful in your everyday work.

- Work and innovate in an environment where high standards and personal consideration go hand-in-hand.

- Develop your skills to attain technical excellence.



2023 Top Employer Certification for France, India and Brasil from Egis on Vimeo.

Top_Employer_France_2023.png Top_Employer_Brazil_2023.pngTop_Employer_India_2023.png




At Egis, we believe in the value of providing equal opportunities to diverse individuals as a source of innovation, employee engagement and ultimately business performance.  
Our recruitment process commits to offering equal opportunities based on respect for all individual qualities including gender identities, age, ethnicity, national origin, culture, religious or political beliefs, language, education, socioeconomic background, family or relationship status, sexual orientation, appearance and/or disability.


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